Friday, May 20, 2011

Lake Mead and heading home

           We knew that our days in the South West were numbered when we set out for Lake Mead National Recreation area in Nevada. Lake Mead is a reservoir of the Hoover Dam (recall that Lake Powell is a reservoir of the Glen Canyon). We visited Echo Bay, Callville Bay, Las Vegas Bay, and Cottonwood Cove on Lake Mead to get a picture of the nutrition offerings available to recreation area visitors. Our visits were a bit strange because the season begins Memorial Day weekend. Some marinas resembled ghost towns when we arrived, but we were reassured that during the summer, these marinas are teeming with fishermen, sunbathers, swimmers, and jet skiers. On a funny note, we got to see the “pets” of Lake Mead—hungry looking carp that beg for food on the marinas.
Sadly, our work is done in the South West. We learned a great deal about what food and beverage options are available to National Park visitors, and how our surveys can be refined to better capture the nutrition environment. We have three days to visit South East parks after a few days of regrouping in Atlanta. Thanks for following our SW adventures J

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